Welcome to the webpage of the Governing Body of Lydgate Junior and Infant School
Here you can find information on the role of the Governing Body at Lydgate and our responsibilities, as well as introductions to the current Governors
The Governing body has three statutory responsibilities:
• setting the school’s strategic direction
• holding the Head Teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils
• overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure public money is well spent
Governors also discuss, approve and review policies and procedures required for school to operate successfully and within its responsibilities – you can find more information in the Policies, Documents and Facts section of the school website.
The Governing Body appoints the school’s Headteacher and Deputy Head, and approves and monitors the school budget.
We are a mix of people appointed by the local authority, from parents and carers, school staff and the community, and those co-opted due to their skills and experience that enable us to carry out our work effectively.
The Governing Body meets at least twice per term, and more often if required. The Headteacher presents their report and Governors are expected to monitor the school’s progress and ask challenging questions of the Senior Leadership Team. Governors make regular visits to school, and take part in working parties on particular issues.
We are also part of school’s Complaints Policy, but you should always speak to your child’s class teacher and / or Headteacher first.
Should you wish to contact the Governing Body, please speak to the school office to be put in touch – the office also holds copies of the minutes of Governing Body meetings
If you are interested in becoming a school governor, whether at Lydgate or another school, please visit : www.kirklees.gov.uk/beta/working-for-kirklees/school-governors.aspx
Lydgate J&I School Governing Body
Governors' Special Responsibilities / Lead Governors for 2023 / 2024 School Year
Note : all our Governors work as a team so lead Governors will work with other Governors when leading on a particular topic or issue and when making Governor visits to school - many eyes and ears and opinions are often better than one !
We also speak with and listen to our children, parents and carers, the community and any relevant specialists as part of our work
Lydgate Governing Body Priorities for 2023 / 2024 : Attendance, SEND, Parents / Carers and Community
Nathan Wright | Chair | Reading, Attitudes and Behaviour, Staff and Pupil Wellbeing |
Jo Brook | Vice Chair | Writing, Foundation Subjects |
Angela Tamm | SEND, Foundation Subjects | |
John George | Health and Safety, Pupil Premium, Sports Premium | |
Samina Bibi | Reception and Key Stage 1, OPAL (Outside Play and Learning) | |
Tahera Mayat | PSHE including Online Safety | |
Yasin Lorgat | Attendance, Safeguarding, Maths | |
Anita Kishore | Headteacher | |
Kelly Westbury | Deputy Headteacher | |
Joanne Cartwright | School Business Manager | Governor Training |
Tracey Maguire | Clerk to Governing Body | |
Minutes of the Governing Body Meetings 2023-4
Minutes of the Governing Body Meetings 2022-23
Minutes of the Governing Body Meetings 2021-22
Minutes of the Governing Body Meetings 2020-21
School Governors
Chair - Mr N. Wright
I was proud to be elected Chair of Governors in September 2020. I have lived with my wife in the Soothill area for 20 years and my daughter previously attended Lydgate.
I work in the Logistics industry, which employs large numbers of young people, so I know how important the skills Lydgate teaches are - maths, reading and writing, using technology and the ability to work in a team with others. These are the skills that will enable our pupils to make the most of whatever opportunities their futures may offer them.

Vice Chair - Mrs J. Brook
I was the Chair of Governors between 2005 and 2020. My links with this area go back a long way, as I lived in Soothill as a child, and worked as a Headteacher in Batley for many years. As the Vice Chair of the Governing Body, I work closely with the Headteacher, Chair and other governors to support the school in providing every child with a successful educational experience at Lydgate.
Head Teacher - Mrs A. Kishore
I have been the head teacher at Lydgate since April 2018. I have worked in primary schools in Leeds, Bradford and Batley in various capacities before joining Lydgate as the head. Prior to qualifying as a teacher in 2005, I worked in the industry for a few years. I believe that all children can achieve and I work closely with the governors, staff and parents to ensure that our children have the best possible start in life.

Tahera Mayat – Co-opted Governor
I have been a governor since September 2017. I went to Lydgate School and have been living in the local area for many years. It will be good to give back and positively influence the future generation. Currently, I am a full time student at University of Leeds and enjoy doing part time education outreach work. I believe it is important to equip children with the skills and confidence to achieve their full/true potential.

Mrs J. Cartwright - Staff Governor
I have served as a Staff Governor at Lydgate J & I School since 2006. My role is School Business Manager which involves finance, office and building management. I enjoy my varied role, working with an excellent team of staff and seeing the children progress.

Ms A Tamm - Co-opted Governor
I have been a governor at Lydgate since September 2019 and previously to this held another governors position within Kirklees. I have been involved in primary education for over 20 years and am an Assistant Headteacher at a local school; I feel I have a lot to offer the school and believe that every child deserves the right to a quality education. I am looking forward to working with Lydgate and the local community to help drive the school forwards towards excellence.

Mr George - Parent Governor
I currently have one child at the school whilst my eldest has recently moved on to high school. I am a scientist and have held academic positions in various universities for over 20 years. I also hold an executive position within the biotechnology sector.

Mrs Firth-Westbury - Co-opted Governor
I have worked at Lydgate for many years, as a teacher and then as Deputy head teacher since 2015. Throughout this time, I have been an observer on the Governing Body until recently becoming a co-opted governor. I feel I am fortunate in my position at Lydgate as I have the opportunity to teach, as well as work closely with the Headteacher and governors to ensure all our children receive a broad and balanced curriculum which engages their interest and sparks their imagination.

Mrs Bibi - Parent Governor
I have been a governor since October 2021 and currently have one child at Lydgate. Having had a background within the educational field for seventeen years in various roles from primary teacher, SEN, manager and currently serving as a committee member for a nursery in Leeds, I am looking forward to working with Lydgate and supporting the local community. I am particularly keen to ensure that all children are safe and can fulfil their full potential irrespective of their background.

Mr Lorgat - Co-opted Governor
I live local to Lydgate J & I School and I am delighted and privileged to become a governor here. I have worked with children and families over a number of years within the voluntary sector, youth service, careers service and the education service. I am currently employed by the Education Safeguarding Service working as a senior education safeguarding officer. I am hoping to bring some of my knowledge and understanding of the current demands in education to support the staff and students at Lydgate School to ensure the best possible outcomes for all.