School Meals
Our school meals are provided by Kirklees Catering Services, where the children receive a 2 course meal, freshly prepared on site by the Kitchen.
The price of the meal is £2.55 a day or £12.75 per week for 2023-24.
All children in Reception and KS1 are provided with a school meal under the Universal Free School Meals scheme and payment is not required.
However, from Year 3, when the children enter KS2, payment will be required for school meals unless your child is entitled to Statutory Free School Meals which is means tested. Please click here to check your eligibility.
Packed Lunch - Children are also welcome to bring their own packed lunch. If you require information on what is allowed in their packed lunch, please read our Packed Lunch Policy.
Special Diets - If your child has any food allergies, please contact Mrs Davies in the school office with details of the allergy. We work alongside our school nurse and the kitchen staff to cater to special diets.
Menu until July 2024

Puddings/Dessert options every week:
Mondays – fruit or yoghurts
Tuesdays – fruit or yoghurts
Wednesdays – fruit or yoghurts or a selection of reduced sugar home baking
Thursdays – fruit or yoghurts
Fridays – fruit or yoghurts or a selection of home baking

If you have any queries, please feel free to contact Mrs Davies in the office.