Spring Term
Thank you for your continued support,
Miss Spedding and Mrs Lunat
Please remember...
- Reading books are expected to be brought to school everyday. Lost reading books will be charged at £7.
- Home reading: Please try to read with your child at least 4 times per week and record this in the home reading record.
- Reading books and home readng records will be asked to be on children's desks every morning.
- Homework to be returned by Thursday - dojos will be given for this. New homework will be given out on Fridays.
- Our PE days are Wednesdays and Thursdays. Children to come to school in their PE Kits on these days and will remin in their kits for the day.
- A spelling list will be given out with homework. Spelling tests will usually take place the following Wednesday.
- Pumps are to be worn everyday and left in school.
- Water bottles should be brought from home.