At Lydgate, PE is a key priority for our children to ensure exercise, healthy lifestyle and positive mental wellbeing. We want our children to have a love for sports and exercise to give them long-term skills and a positive attitude impacting their health and wellbeing.
We follow GetSet4PE https://getset4education.co.uk/, a scheme based on the PE National Curriculum. As a family, you can access some active games to play at home through the home learning icon and then the active family tab.
Reception – PE, motor skills or physical exercise are taught and developed in Reception through formal PE sessions and daily planned outdoor play covering the expectations in the prime area of learning, Physical Development. The children begin their PE lessons in the autumn term and focus on how to be safe and negotiate space taking into consideration themselves and their peers. They then develop their strength, balance and coordination in gymnastics and apply these skills during PE lessons, playtimes and continuous provision. Children are encouraged to run, jump, hop, skip and climb in PE lessons during warm ups and units such as, athletics and team games. They are also given time in continuous provision and playtimes to apply the skills they have learnt.
Click here for the Reception curriculum in Physical Development.
Key Stage 1 and 2 - As the children move up through school, our PE lessons provide the children with a variety of opportunities to develop and build upon a variety of skills covering fundamental movement skills, games, body management, dance and outdoor and adventurous activity. Swimming and water safety is taught in KS2 by the swimming instructors in Batley Sports Centre.
At Lydgate we are very fortunate to have access to our brilliant school grounds, which we use at every possible opportunity to give the children a great PE experience.
As teachers we are always looking for ways to make links across the curriculum, and science and DT lessons provide us with excellent opportunities to learn about exercise and healthy eating. Asking the children to measure and record their own data, for e.g. measuring their pulse when exercising, works on their maths skills, while writing explanations about their findings improves their reasoning abilities.
In KS1, LKS2 and UKS2, the units are taught in a two-year cycle.
Click here for the LONG TERM PLAN Cycle 1 and Cycle 2
Outdoor Play and Learning – We have signed up to the OPAL programme where the children are provided with opportunities during the school day to be active. We believe that playtimes and lunchtimes need to be seen as structured curriculum time and planned for accordingly.
Sports Premium - We use our Sports Premium Funding to raise the profile of PE and provide teaching staff with skills and knowledge to deliver the PE National Curriculum.
We also use the funding to replenish our sports equipment, enhance our playground provision and to participate in competitions with other schools in our Local Authority.
After school clubs – Weekly PE based after school clubs are offered to further develop our children’s skills especially for our more vulnerable children.
Long Term Progression Maps
PE is timetabled twice weekly and is taught by the class teacher. In every lesson, the sequence of lessons is established, prior knowledge recapped and key vocabulary shared. The key knowledge and skills for the lessons are identified in the planning and progression established. Where needed, videos and pictures are used, especially in gymnastics, to support with modelling and assessment.
The PE lessons are well resourced and these are regularly audited.
Monitoring - Every year, the subject lead observes a sample of PE lessons through school and regular pupil interviews are conducted to evaluate learning against intent. Through the monitoring process, next steps are identified and shared in staff meetings.
After school clubs – We have organised several PE based after school clubs including football (including girls only football); team games; athletics and archery.
Coach led days – We have organised workshops led by trained sports coaches to lead on skipping, self-defence and tri-golf to name a few.
At the end of every unit, staff assess the children for the unit covered and the data updated every half term onto a tracker. This is accessible to all staff including the Subject Lead.
Lessons show a clear progression of skills and knowledge as laid out in the progression document.
Pupil interviews show that the children are able to articulate their learning and use subject specific vocabulary. Pupils are usually picked by the subject lead based on the assessment tracker.
Lesson observations show that staff are confident in delivering the PE curriculum.
We have achieved School Games Gold Mark for two years running – 2022-23 and 2023-24. We will be on track to achieving it this year.
Our Sports Premium impact statement can be found here